Celebrity Real Estate Updates: Who Bought What?
In this blog post, I thought I would bring you the latest celebrity real estate updates. So, sit back and enjoy the real Hollywood real estate news!
What Is The Difference Between Desktop Appraisals And Full Appraisals?
Many people are unsure whether they need a Desktop Appraisal or a Full Appraisal. Learn what the difference is so you can choose the right appraisal for your property.
Appraisal Technology: How It Benefits You!
The tools of the appraisal trade have drastically changed. One of the biggest changes new technology has brought on is how everyone, including lenders and homeowners, now have quick access to appraisal information. Here's how appraisers are using new technology and how that benefits you.
Low Real Estate Appraisal? Here’s What To Do
As the real estate market continues to grow, more home buyers and sellers are coming across a common issue: An appraisal that is too low! After all, valuations must be based on recent comparable sales, or "comps," and in some cases the rising rate of home sales does not match the rates of homes sold previously. In this article, I'll cover what to do if you get a low appraisal. But first, you need to ask why? Why is the appraisal lower than your expectations? This may have occured because as home rates continue to recover from the housing crisis of
Celebrity Real Estate Update: Celeb-To-Celeb Sales
In my previous coverage of celebrity real estate, I spoke about buying homes at a premium price because the home may have a famous former owner. This week, after reading an intriguing article in the Hollywood Reporter about how celebrities sell homes to other celebrities, I decided to do a celebrity real estate update to address a niche market: Celeb-to-celeb sales. The article discusses how celebs love selling to other celebs. There are plenty of reasons as to why. For example, celebrities have special security needs like high walls and intricate alarm systems. Further, there are personal needs like gigantic walk-in closets and plenty
The Massachusetts Real Estate Market
Appraisers often swap stories. One thing that caught my ear recently was a conversation a member of our Boston, Massachusetts appraisal team was having with another appraiser. He was giving the other appraiser a take on the latest with the Massachusetts real estate market. I thought they were having a great dialogue. After all, why should appraisers keep the scoop to themselves? Maybe it's time to update the readers out there about what's new in the home of the Red Sox, the best New England clam chowder, baked beans, Cheers and of course, some of the best colleges our country has
How Accurate Are The Appraised Values Of Zillow And Trulia?
A question I often get is, "How accurate is Zillow and Trulia?" This is a great question because it allows me to explore and show you whether or not online appraisal websites are on the money. I randomly selected five appraisals, located in different parts of the country, done by our team of certified appraisers. I then compared their values which were certified by our appraisers with the amounts shown by Trulia.com and Zillow.com. By the way, if you want to see the estimated value of a home, go to Google and type in the address and the listing should
Big Homes Are Back, But With A Twist!
Downsize, downsize and downsize. If you've been looking at home sales in the last few years, you would think the word "downsize" became a permanent part of the real estate lingo! Thankfully, that's not entirely true. Big homes are back! While many people were thinking about smaller homes, a whole other generation of home buyers were thinking that bigger is better. The big homes that are making a comeback come with a twist! Can you guess what it is? Before we reveal what the new trends in big home sales are, here are some interesting tidbits about home sizes across the states:
Washington D.C. Real Estate: Supply And Demand
Washington D.C. is a cultural and historical mecca. Having dozens of great neighborhoods a Metro ride away and a bustling political and business climate keeps the D.C. real estate market competitive. It's no wonder people flock there to live and work. As appraisers, our team is constantly in and out of so many Washington D.C. neighborhoods and homes; this familiarity that has led to a great understanding of the trends and home sales averages of the Washington D.C. real estate market. When a client wanted our take on Washington's priciest neighborhoods to buy a home, we used this list to answer some questions.
Why Overpriced Homes Don’t Sell
Every neighborhood has that one home with a "for sale" sign on the lawn that's been standing there for several months. The home has been there for so long that even folks who go to every open house have seen it. Admit it, now you're starting to worry. You think to yourself, "If this home, which is well-kept and modern, isn't selling, does this mean that my home won't sell when I'm ready?" There's a reason why that home isn't selling and it's not what you think. What's the cause? Well, that home is probably overpriced. The seller set the