Tax Appeal Real Estate Appraisal Services

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Property Taxes Too High?

It’s often been said that “There’s nothing certain in life except death and taxes.” While this may be true, you could likely save money on property taxes by request a tax appeal appraisal. Counties, parishes and appraisal districts across the country have continued to raise assessed values of homes, even though many housing markets have been stagnant with some even experiencing declines in value.

It seems even when your local real estate tax authority does realize values have gone down in your neighborhood, they never seem to lower your tax bill as “enthusiastically” as they raised it. This is where a professional appraisal company like Home Appraisals, Inc. can help.

In this tough real estate market, we have seen an increase in the number of requests for tax assessment protest appraisals. This is usually the case when markets experience decreasing property values over a number of years. In many cases, the city’s assessed value is greater than the property’s market value. This results in the city charging more in taxes than they are entitled too. The city’s assessed value is as of January 1st of the tax year in question. Thus, an independent appraisal should be done also as of January 1st in order to properly dispute the assessed value.

Have Questions or Need a Quote on a Tax Appeal Appraisal?
Call Us at 866-533-7173 or Use the Form on the Right!

Ordering is EASY as 1-2-3

Step 1: Call or fill out the FREE Quote request to your right to get the cost & turn time.

Step 2: Call or Click Here to make a secure payment once you have the cost.

Step 3: The local Appraiser will call you or the contact for entry to schedule the inspection.

When you hire our appraisers for property tax protest services, you’re commissioning an independent, third-party professional appraisal report on the value of your home. As such we do our own evaluation, beginning to end. If you’re correct in believing that your property has been overvalued, an independent report such as ours will be THE MOST persuasive evidence you can use to argue your tax bill.

1 Comment

  • Sam Li says:

    I love what you said about home appraisals and how they can benefit your property. When it comes to tax reforms, it’s best to work with an experienced business. If I were to need such services, I would be sure to contact the best company in my area.

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