Increasing the Value of Your Home Appraisal

Jul 27, 2024 | Published by Leave your thoughts

When having a home appraisal not every recommendation the appraiser makes is within your reach. Sometimes that new central heating system or all-new windows cost too much money. Despite this, there are many small repairs you can perform yourself. When you put this kind of “sweat equity” into a home, it can seriously improve your home appraisals.

Do It Yourself

Everyone can learn how to do basic home repairs and improvements if they only take the time to learn them. There are numerous instructional videos, books and streaming web movies that can teach you how to do everything from changing your garbage disposal to installing a new sink. These instructions are clear and concise since not everybody is a genius handyman.

Putting together a decent collection of tools costs relatively little when you consider the repairs you can perform. Go to any home improvement store and there will be numerous premade kits so you don’t have to shop around. For home improvements that add on to the value of those home appraisals, be sure to have an electric drill, a complete socket wrench set and the usual array of hammers, measuring tape and pliers.

Do Some Research

It also takes a little time to learn which home improvements will add the most value. There’s no point in adding a basement shower if it adds no value to your home. Check out home trends magazines, online websites or even ask the home appraiser when they arrive. It is their business to keep up with the trends in home improvement.

After finding out which features sell the house best, then just make a list of things in your ability range and start working on them. Although many people want to tackle them as quick as possible, it is better to take your time.

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This post was written by Joseph Castaneda

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