Refund Policy

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 There are no refunds on Real Estate Appraisal services rendered.


Clients who fail to show up for “Full Real Estate Appraisals” on the day and time of the scheduled appointment, in which the real estate appraiser has gone out to the property and no one was there to let the real estate appraiser in, will be charged a $100 research and trip charge. This $100 will be deducted from the total real estate appraisal fee if the real estate appraisal has already been paid for and the real estate appraisal is canceled. If the real estate appraiser has to go back out to the property for a second time due to the client not showing up for the first appointment, the client must make the $100 research and trip fee prior to the real estate appraiser going back out to the property for the second time.


  • lesther aragon says:

    are there any posibility of refusal of an appraisal that we consider unfair? we are triying to buy a home for 290000 and the appraisal designed by the bank said the property value is 270000 he made a poor home and equivalent house selection and fail to consider a lot of particular condition of the house we love and we are wanted to buy we think since he previously know the buying price he deliverately keep the price under maybe they want to keep the house value low for today conservative banks or maybe they want to have more returning customers around in the actual slow house market. Do we have any oportunity or are there anything to do?…

    • What you can do is dispute the appraisal. The banks have a standardized form for this. On the form you supply additional comparable sales that the appraiser did not use and request he put them in the report or explain why not. You can also go to a new bank and hope they send out a better appraiser.

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